Monday, December 08, 2008

Why Reading Comic Books is Better than Having a Job

Yesterday was an all right day. I didn't end up going to the gym, like I probably could have done, but I did manage to get all of the work done that I needed to in a relatively short amount of time, and also get groceries bought to keep me alive through the exam period. I spent about two hours of free time reading comic books that I had missed over the past few months and not all of it was exactly time well spent, but I also managed to obtain and organize into folders all the comic books that I feel like reading over the next couple of weeks. That would be Batman RIP as well as the tie-ins, lead-up, and aftermath, the Superman New Krypton arc, Final Crisis along with all related tie-ins, and everything Green Lantern related since Sinestro Corps War Anyway.

Today I had to get up at 7:30 to be at work from 8:30 to 4:30, which will get me a lot of money but also wiped me out so that by the time I got out of work I was completely unwilling to address the rather large pile of work that I had designated for the day. I wound up going to the gym and relaxing but I never got even a bit of work done.

Basically, the bottom line is this: the day I goofed off and read comic books, I got a lot of work done, but on the day I worked my job, I had no energy left to do the things that were really important. Tomorrow I'm working a half day so maybe it will be better.

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