Sunday, December 07, 2008

Homework or Buffy? Why not both?

Attention management wasn't really a big problem yesterday because there wasn't a lot I needed to accomplish. I sort of deliberately gave myself the day off. I woke up on time, made (mostly) sane health choices went to my classes, and spent the afternoon/evening relaxing and being with friends.

Today didn't go quite as well, but it wasn't a total failure either. I intended to get up at 9:30 and to some work before heading off to brunch at around 12:00, but I turned off the alarm and crawled off into bed not emerging until 11:30. After that I went to brunch and then I did get some work done, from about 2:30 to 6:00, and then it was dinner time. I might have eaten a bit too much at dinner, but I didn't get hungry later despite working out and I'm still not particularly hungry even seven hours later. Afterwards I didn't really do much work, but I did go to the gym and it felt great. After that I watched Buffy (I'm very slowly making my way through all the seasons, currently on the fifth) and eventually I sat down to write this post.

I got done as much work as I needed to, but not as much as I wanted to. I could stay up and do more work now, but I think it would be smarter to go to bed so I can do work in the morning. Staying up would not only require me to eat something now to propel me forward, but it would also wear me out so that tomorrow I'd be likely to waste the morning again. My main stumbling block with regard to time and attention is still my poor use of mornings. If I can get up at 9:30 tomorrow morning, and get some quality work done by brunch at 12:00, then I should be on track for making excellent use of the day.

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