Monday, December 29, 2008

Opinion Dump for late December 2008

Here are my opinions, take them or leave them.

Books (in order of finishing)

by Neal Stephenson - very good read, in my opinion. However, I wouldn't generally recommend it. Unless you're interested in extended dialogues about philosophy, science, and the geometry of cake-cutting, then I suggest you stay very far away from this book. I, however, enjoyed it, so this book is actually one of the best books I've read in years.

Coruscant Nights II - Street of Shadows
by Michael Reaves - meh. Recycles a lot that was good about the first book but with a less interesting plot that builds to an anticlimax. Falls into the traps of Star Wars novel mediocrity that the first one managed to avoid. And it seems like it's just marking time before the third book, which will have the good stuff, hopefully. But hey, someone from the movies dies!

The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil
by George Saunders - Having read his three short story collections and enjoyed them, I decided that this novella might be worth my while. And it was pretty interesting, but I don't think it was as good as his other novellas.

Ender's Game
by Orson Scott Card - I've been urged to read this for years, and I felt it had been hyped so much that I wouldn't enjoy it. But I was wrong, this was really rather enjoyable. There are certainly problems, including OSC's obnoxious tendency to tell rather than show, but nevertheless it was a good book. I might check out the sequels some time.

Once Upon a Time in the North
by Philip Pullman - Pullman's prose didn't bother me when I was 14. Now it does. But my fondness for Lee Scoresby and Iorek Byrnison persists, and so this novella was enjoyable.

In the foreseeable future, I'll be reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, and Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor by Matthew Woodring Stover (squeee!).

TV (in no particular order)

- CANNOT WAIT for it to start up again.

Doctor Who
- The Christmas special was.... less than satisfactory. I shall post a scathing review on Behind the Sofa shortly.

The Sarah Jane Adventures
- Season Two was fun. Some of the show's appeal is wearing off as the wide-eyed wonder thing wears thin.

Pushing Daisies
- ABC hasn't announced the air date of the three remaining episodes. This frightens me. I want to see them quite badly.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
- Continues to kick ass, take names. When it comes back in February it'll be paired with Dollhouse on Friday nights. Not a good slot, but there's still hope for both shows.

Battlestar Galactica
- I started watching it but I've honestly got no desire to continue. I don't see what's so special about it.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Season Five actually maintained a pretty high quality level, despite what I'd been led to expect by THE INTERNETS. Just starting season six.

- Starting Season Two. It's definitely more solid than Season One. Time will tell whether I come to love it like I love Buffy.

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