Friday, December 05, 2008


You (yes! you! the purely hypothetical reader to whom these metablog posts are always addressed!) may have noticed some changes.

First, I've gotten rid of the vast majority of my old content. And it ain't coming back. Some of the things I really didn't want to delete because they were actually driving traffic to the site via google, but I figured if I wanted a clean break then I ought to throw it out. Most content prior to August 2008 is now invisible. However, you'll note that there are four entries from August 2007 that I kept, for various reasons.

Second, I've gotten rid of the Adsense ads. I always felt a little dirty having them on my site (even though my use of Adblock Plus prevents me from even seeing them) and they weren't actually generating even the slightest bit of income. But income isn't why I'm blogging. The ads may return in the future, but for now they're gone.

Finally, and most obviously, the blog's layout has changed for the first time since I started it in 2005. I figure with the winds of change blowing, might as well start new with a fresh face. It's probably only temporary. I would prefer to design my own layout rather than using Blogger's templates.

Or maybe you didn't notice the changes. Well, you know about them now. And knowing is half the battle.

Wider Two Column Modification courtesy of The Blogger Guide