Monday, October 27, 2008

NaNoWriMo news

NaNoWriMo begins this saturday, and I'll be sharing my progress in a slightly different way this year. For the past four years, livejournal has been the place to get detailed updates while I wrote my novel. For the past two years, I have used facebook to post brief updates about my word count and morale. This shall now change.

This year, status updates and short excerpts will appear at my official blog, which can be found at I will try to post at least one entry per week, but it may be more frequent. We'll see how it goes. I've been trying to get this blog off the ground for quite a while and this is my latest attempt. Should be fun.

As for my up-to-the-minute word count and morale, those will be updated via twitter. My twitter page can be found at If you're also doing NaNo, I highly recommend signing up and joining in. It can be a great way to keep tabs on how people are doing, but only if a lot of people participate. If you want, you can even set things up so that your twitter status is synced to your facebook status. I (obviously) don't do this, but some people do.

Happy noveling to all of my fellow Wrimos and apologies to everyone else for this yearly insanity.

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