Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Videobloggery!

Another videoblog? When will the madness end? QUITE POSSIBLY NEVER!

This one's not as impressive. But I don't care, do I?

Tawm's Videoblog for 25 February 2009 from Tom Dickinson on Vimeo.

NOTE: As a result of this I pretty much haven't studied for my exam. oops.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Yes! It's true! Yours truly has begun a videoblog. You will find the videos here as I post them (if I post them) or you can go to my Vimeo page, linked below. Good times will be had.

Tawm's Videoblog for 15 February 2009 from Tom Dickinson on Vimeo.

Man, that was more work than I thought. That two minute video took about an hour and a half to make.

In other news, I've returned to Twitter. Go me.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Fisher Space Pens

Man, Fisher Space Pens. Those things are the coolest. Problem is, I can't seem to hold onto them anymore.

Taking a cue from Merlin Mann, of and other cool places on the Internet, I picked up a Space Pen back in September and it served me well from then on. I picked out the "bullet" model pictured here, with the matte back finish. I've never been one to use a pen that cost more than about two bucks, but this twenty-dollar beauty quickly became a favorite of mine and shifted my attitude toward pens. Previously, pens were disposable and interchangeable, and losing one was no big deal, because another one could easily replace it. But this quickly became the only pen I used, and as a result it was precious. It never left my pocket and I was astounded at how easily I managed to not lose it.


Just last week my pen disappeared and it was probably left at the college's library. It was late at night and the library was nearly empty, so when I got back to my room and noticed it was missing, I figured I could just run back and claim it. But not so. It was not where it should have been. I have a habit of leaving it resting above the number row of a keyboard when I'm sitting at the computer, and that was where I assumed that I had left it, but it wasn't there and a quick look around produced no better results. The pen was lost.

This morning I acquired a replacement from Staples. My father, who gave me a ride there, was kind enough to pay for the pen. I figured that this time, with this pen, things would be different. Well, I was right. Things were different, but not in the way that I expected. This pen didn't even last a day. I lost it in the same library in the exact same way, not even four hours after getting it. It wasn't until an hour and a half after leaving the library that I realized that the pen was missing and once again I had probably left it resting on the keyboard.

I'm not sure whether I'm even going to bother trying again. I can't keep getting these twenty pens only to lose them. It's less like losing a pen and more like losing a limb. I don't know if I can take the heartbreak again. But I guess I have to hope next time will be better. This was a fluke, because this isn't what I'm like. I used to do stupid things like this when I was a kid but I haven't done anything like this in years, I guess a part of me is just afraid that I'm becoming like that again.

Anyhow, I should probably buy two next time.

Twitter, Facebook, and Livejournal hiatus

In the past I have been quite a presence on Livejournal. Not so much anymore. I don't really do much with my Facebook either. I spend a lot more of my attention on Twitter. Nevertheless, each one commands some amount of my attention on a daily basis.

But I can't help but wonder... what would it be like if I completely cut myself off from all of those? Would I be able to put that attention to better use?

I intend to find out, and for this reason I am going on hiatus from all three services. I do not now how long I will be hiatus-ing. I will return no sooner than Friday, February 6. I may be away as late as Sunday, March 1. More likely it will be somewhere between those two dates.

So, during this time, those accounts will not be active, but I'm also not going to lurk, either. I've been mostly a lurk on Livejournal for a while now, but now I won't even be reading posts. I will also be disabling e-mail notifications from all three services.

During this time I will (hopefully) update this blog every so often. You will also be able to contact me via e-mail at the following address:

thomasmdickinson[at sign goes here]gmail[period goes here]com
Or if you have my mobile phone number, you can contact me by calling or text messaging me. I don't expect that I will log into AIM during this period either.

This might seem abrupt but it's something I've been thinking a lot about recently and I think it's the best thing for me to do at this point in my life.

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